29-30 September 2023 Espacio Larra in Madrid


Construyendo Europa contigo


  • DAY

    28 September 2023
    19:15 - 21:15

  • DAY

    29 September 2023
    08:30 - 24:00

  • DAY

    30 September 2023
    10:00 - 15:00

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  • 28 September 2023
  • 29 September 2023
  • 30 September 2023
  • Plenary
  • Workshop
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Networking Cocktail and 1000 Dreams Exhibition

The photography exhibition "1000 DREAMS" is told by refugees for refugees. Refugee photographers and the NGO Witness Change will present their project where they take over the narrative and tell their own stories of refugees across Europe.

“1000 Dreams” allows us to get to know the stories of people on the move and to learn about them, their dreams and their strengths, to better understand the refugee experience and to be better allies as a result.

Thursday 28th September the photographers and NGO representatives will be present at the opening cocktail of the exhibition to exchange with the public.

For more information about the project, visit:


William Lounsbury
Project Director at Witness Change

Belal Darder Mohamed
Documentary photographer

Zahra Mojahed
Story teller at Witness Change

Ernest Urtasun
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group and spokesperson of Sumar

Livestream Replay

Networking session

Participants will be offered the chance to connect and exchange with each other around specific summit topics. Networking time slots and spaces will be displayed so people can register their availability to be approached by others during the summit to exchange around the summit topics. Each person will be given a mini-agenda for booking short “talks” with other participants throughout the event. A graffiti wall, AKA the “Summiton” will help us to facilitate this process, and will stay up for the whole duration of the summit, so that participants can use it to express their availability for networking, share the outcomes of the workshops and much more!



Mónica García
Spokesperson for Más Madrid

Philippe Lamberts
Co-President of the Greens EFA/Group, Belgium

Terry Reintke
Co-President of the Greens EFA/Group, Germany

Mélanie Vogel
Co-chair of the European Green Party

Livestream Replay

Affordable housing is a human right | Opening Plenary

Basic necessities such as housing need to be accessible, affordable, and available to everyone. We want to put people's daily needs in the centre and to live in a world where rent is affordable for all, getting a morgage is not an impossible dream, and everyone is able to heat or cool their homes without having to choose between that or food. And where banks can't kick you out of your house or landlords shut you out on the street.

There is enough money in the economy for everyone to live a life of dignity and freedom - as long as we stop the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few, and we move away from the old economic model that prevents investments in public services to cover people's basic needs. If we don't deal with the cost of living crisis in a way that is fair for all, not only will people continue to suffer, but the far right will find it easier to spread hate, fear and racism across Europe.

In this session we will gather experts on the right to housing and discuss how we can make sure that everyone has the chance to live in a safe, warm, nice, AFFORDABLE home.


Leilani Farha
Global Director at The Shift

Ruth Owen
Deputy Director at FEANTSA

Valeria Racu
Organiser at Sindicato de Inquilinas e Inquilinos de Madrid

Kim Van Sparrentak
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group, Netherlands

Marie Toussaint
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group, France

Livestream Replay

Inspiring Voices: political speeches

Real people with their real thoughts and real actions can transform politics. Our speakers come from the most varied backgrounds, countries, professions, but their lives have become example of what it is like to fight for an ideal on the streets, in parliaments and governments. Let us hear from their own voices the stories of those who took politics in their own hands and made it their life's mission: those who became the face of the fight for the right to decent housing; of minorities; of social and climate justice.

Let their empassioned words and examples fill the room and inspire change for this and the future generations!


Ricarda Lang
Co-leader of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

Terry Reintke
Co-President of the Greens EFA/Group, Germany

Livestream Replay

Break - networking: Snowballing

Like a snow-flake turning into a snowball, this exercise allows a large group of people to collect their different thoughts on one topic. They start individually by writing 3-5 points, then they move to trios and combine the common points and add up the different ideas, then they move to slightly bigger groupings, and so on, combining their inputs each time to reach a list that includes everyone’s vision. We will be snowballing around: “what does a green social Europe mean to you?”
The results of this exercise will be shared on the “Summiton”.

Democracy under threat | Workshop 1

The crackdown against civil society has become a reality in the EU. By attacking those who question the system, the right and the far right are attacking democracy itself, and they are expanding their targets. We progressive forces have to be prepared and change, together, the narrative. We need to intervene when rights, democracy and the rule of law are under attack. Join us to brainstorm how progressive movements can unite and mobilise to defend the rule of law and our fundamental rights against the far-right's anti-social and anti-climate policies. Let's fight back.


David Cormand
Member of the European Parliament, Europe Écologie-les Verts, France

Giada Negri
Research and policy coordinator at European Civic Forum

Nyanchama Okemwa
Chair of the European Network Against Racism and outreach consultant for Hand in Hand Against Racism

Young Social Summit: meet, organise, win! | Workshop 2

Let's connect the youth-led priorities and movements across Europe! Climate activists, labour unions, student organisations, anti-racist groups, youth councils... young people everywhere come together to put an end to build a socially just system, put an end to inequalities and ensure a future that starts now. Join this workshop organised by the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG), connect with young activists from all the continent and let's foster shared knowledge and collective action towards the European elections campaign and beyond. By comparing and connection our struggles at the national level, we'll develop and identify strategic areas for cooperation and priorities to focus on. We will also have the chance to get to know and share views with politicians and relevant stakeholders.


María Rodríguez Alcázar
President of the European Youth Forum

Yolanda Gil Alonso
President of the ETUC Youth Committee

Hugo Abad Frías
Researcher and ecosocial activist

Zuzana Pavelková
Senior lawyer, Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU)

Benedetta Scuderi
FYEG Co-spokesperson

Cinta González Sentís
Secretary-General of the Federation of Young European Greens

Nicu Stefanuta
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group, Romania

From poverty and precarity to progress and prosperity - delivering on the "Porto Agenda" | Workshop 3

The most vulnerable people in society are those who suffer the most from every crisis, who are constantly forgotten and constantly left behind. We cannot accept that there are still millions of people living in poverty in the richest continent on Earth. So, how can we work together to deliver on the "Porto Agenda" goal to lift 15 million people out of poverty by 2030?

Let's together discuss what tools we can use to ensure that every person gets their fair share for a life of dignity. We will look at what can be done from EU level, like a minimum income Directive, a job guarantee and child guarantee for everyone, and we'll gather ideas from different countries, like the trailblazing pre-distributive proposals from Sumar (Spain) on "the universal inheritance" - a 20,000€ grant for your 18th birthday.


Laura de Bonfils
Secretary General of Social Platform

Kahina Rabahi
Policy and advocacy Coordinator at the European Anti-Poverty Network

Mounir Satouri
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group, France

"My manager's a robot" - The future of work in a digital age | Workshop 4

Are you curious about how Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the landscape of work? Join us for an insightful workshop where we delve into the profound implications of AI on workers' rights, addressing the core aspects of its regulation and the Greens' vision for the future.

In this workshop, we will explore the diverse ways AI is transforming workplaces, ranging from increased automation and efficiency to potential job displacement, surveillance, and evolving skill requirements. AI's rapid advancement raises critical questions about ethics, privacy, and fairness. We will engage in thought-provoking discussions on the regulatory measures required to protect workers and address biases, data protection, and the responsible use of AI in decision-making processes at workplaces.

Our speakers will include national and European decision-makers, researchers, trade unions, and workers. Through engaging discussions with them, we aim to gain valuable insights into their vision for a sustainable and inclusive future, where AI aligns with economic equality, environmental sustainability, and social justice.


Alexandra Geese
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group, Germany

Fernando García Pallás
Coordinator Digital Platforms at UGT

Mélanie Vogel
Co-chair of the European Green Party

Inspiring Voices: political speeches

Real people with their real thoughts and real actions can transform politics. Our speakers come from the most varied backgrounds, countries, professions, but their lives have become example of what it is like to fight for an ideal on the streets, in parliaments and governments. Let us hear from their own voices the stories of those who took politics in their own hands and made it their life's mission: those who became the face of the fight for the right to decent housing; of minorities; of social and climate justice.

Let their empassioned words and examples fill the room and inspire change for this and the future generations!


Rita Maestre
Spokesperson of Más Madrid in Madrid City

Aina Vidal
Spokesperson for En Comú Podem and first deputy spokesperson for the Plurinational Sumar Group in the Spanish Parliament

Livestream Replay

Avoiding austerity, spending public money for public good, creating green and decent jobs in Europe | Plenary 2

The green transition is an opportunity for our societies to improve current jobs and working conditions. Investing in sectors for sustainability has the potential to create millions of jobs. What are these jobs going to look like? We want good working conditions for everyone, to respect work-life balance, to be up to health and safety standards, to respect the workers and the planet. Wages should be high and should allow for a decent standard of living. Jobs should be accessible for all in our societies and leave no one behind. Investing in training for workers is key for the transition, to create safer work places, happier workers.

But what is the role of the state in such a transition, and what the role of private capital?

We have big ambitions for how to transform our societies and our economics to put people and planet at the centre. Governments spend billions on supporting corporations while covering their risks, but underinvest in what is needed to protect the people and the environment. Let us put money to work in a positive manner and invest in the things that are important to us all: good jobs, green jobs, climate protection, and basic services like healthcare, childcare, education, pensions - everything we need to live a life of dignity. Let’s bind corporations to these principles and ensure that every euro from the public purse does not make the rich richer but serves the workers and the planet. And let's figure out how to put finance at the service of real economy, and make the EU's self-defeating model of austerity a bad model of the past.


Bas Eickhout
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group, The Netherlands

Daniela Gabor
Professor of Economics and Macro-Finance at the University of the West of England, Bristol

Sven Giegold
State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economy and Climate Protection, Germany

Esther Lynch
General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation

Nacho Álvarez Peralta
Secretary of State for Social Rights (Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030), Spain

Olivier De Schutter
UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Mélanie Vogel
Co-chair of the European Green Party

Livestream Replay

Voices from the trade unions

Historically on the forefront of the fight for labour rights, trade unions are now also facing the challenge that the combination of climate breakdown and economic crisis constitute for the future of workers. Let's hear from the leader of the Spanish trade union Comisiones Obreras on how green and social must go together.


Benedetta De Marte
Secretary General, European Green Party

Unai Sordo
Secretary General of Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO)

Livestream Replay

Health is the most important thing | Workshop 5

Health is not a "nice to have" but the pre-condition for the functioning of our society. We need to shift our public health policies to focus on avoiding sickness and governments should prioritise healthy air, access to medicines and to healthcare, water and food for all. And mental health can no longer be pushed aside - we need to look carefully at the impacts of stress and precarity on everybody's well-being.

We need to empower health workers to deliver quality care for everybody. We want to recognise the healthcare professionals that save lives every day, who deserve decent working conditions and wages. Our lives depend on them, and still they get paid very little, they work long hours, and they have a lot of stress. We need to shift our public health policies to focus on avoiding sickness and governments should prioritise healthy air, water and food for all. And mental health can no longer be pushed aside - we need to look carefully at the impacts of stress and precarity on everybody's well-being.


Yolanda Gil Alonso
President of the ETUC Youth Committee

José Ramon Becerra
Former Member of the Basque Parliament, Berdeak-Verdes EQUO

Dr. Rafael Cofiño
Member of Parliament for Sumar, Spain

Vanessa López
Executive director of Salud por Derecho

Tilly Metz
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group, Luxembourg

Women at the centre of the economy | Workshop 6

We are all squeezed in a system marginalises women, people with disabilities, people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, migrants, the LGBTIQ community, and many others. We need to create an economy that works for today's diverse society and values everyone equally, that provides space for everyone to be a part of it. Women need to take a visible space in the centre of the economy: to close the gender pay gap and to get more women on boards and in positions of power.

We have seen that - if some people are able to keep up with the rhythm of the capitalist economy - it is because they have women in their life doing care and domestic work for free. Care work keeps us all alive and it is a very undervalued and feminised sector. This needs to change. We need to re-think how we value them and how we can ensure that we have a socially inclusive society for all.


Magdalena Bordagorry
Policy and Membership Development Officer at Eurodiaconia

Mary Collins
Acting Secretary General, European Women’s Lobby

Elizabeth Duval
Spokeswoman for Feminism, Equality and LGBTI Rights, Sumar

Katrin Langensiepen
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group, Germany

Monika Vana
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group, Austria

Tax the rich: from slogan to reality | Workshop 7

Inequality is now rifer than it has been in decades. While there are millions of people across the EU and the world struggling to feed themselves or make ends meet, the richest individuals have seen their wealth increase at the expense of the 99%. As Greens/EFA we have commissioned a study to see the potential of a tax on the wealthiest people in the EU and we want to demonstrate what it can bring to finally achieve equality.


Susana Ruíz
Global lead on Tax Justice for Oxfam International

Benedetta Scuderi
FYEG Co-spokesperson

Carlos Martín Urriza
Member of Parliament for Sumar, Spain

Phil White
Patriotic millionaire at Patriotic Millionaires UK

Protect our Nature to Protect our Lives: How Nature, Economy, and Social Justice Can Thrive Together | Workshop 8

Last June and July were the hottest months in modern history and brought record ocean temperatures. Heatwaves hit strongly Southern Europe, with the largest wildfires ever recorded and violent floods in Slovenia and Norther Italy. Also regions of the United States, of China and of Norther Africa were deeply damaged. There is no doubt: we are already experiencing the consequences of climate disaster.

The costs of inaction are in front of our eyes. Allianz economists calculated that the the world lost 0.6% of its wealth because of higher temperatures, with Greece and Spain among the regions that were the hardest hit. And that number still does not account for lost lives, biodiversity in smoke, massive reconstruction, closed businesses. Think Maui, Rhodes, Sicily. If the transition does have a cost, the non transition has an even bigger one.

That’s why it can’t wait. But that’s also why the ecological transition needs to be socially balanced. The climate crisis translates directly into a social crisis that disrupts the work and lives of millions of people. The measures we undertake to mitigate climate change must bring immediate and direct help to its victims. Since the start of the energy crisis in September 2021, 646 billion euros of the European Union's money has been set aside to protect consumers from increases in the cost of energy. But according to the think tank Bruegel, ¾ of that money has not ended up in the hands of those who needed it, and citizens have seen their bills rise. This is not acceptable. We urgently need reforms to fight climate change.

We Greens call for a just transition, one in which the resources are properly distributed and the wellbeing of each citizen is paramount. We want to make sure that those who pollute more have to contribute more to useful solutions against climate change.

Our deal can’t be green without being social.


Nuria Blázquez
Head of International Affairs of Ecologistas en Acción

Mar González
Co-spokesperson of Verdes Equo Andalucía

Cristina Guarda
Regional councilor for Europa Verde in Veneto, Italy

Grace O’Sullivan
Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA), Ireland

Enrico Somaglia
Deputy Secretary General of the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT)

Vula Tsetsi
Committee Member of the European Green Party, and Secretary General of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament

Open Space

Open Space In addition to the workshops and the plenaries, the summit offers a self-led space for any participant who would like to share or discuss a topic of their choice. Participants wishing to host a discussion need to inform the organisers in advance by filling this form.

Each host will create a discussion circle, and all topics will be displayed so other participants will be free to choose which discussion they would like to join.

Discussion circles:

Meet the European Green Party
Host: Lea Haas, European Green Party

Youthwashing and meaningful youth participation
Host: Cinta González Sentís, Federation of Young European Greens

Negociación Colectiva Verde y transición energética
Host: Carmen Barrera Chamorro, UGT

Sustainable and just transition in agriculture
Host: Rafael Pinto, PAN

Political participation of people with lived migration experiences: challenges and horizons
Host: Syrine Rekhis, VOICIFY-European Forum for Youth With Lived Migration Experiences

Cycling in Europe, an overview. the potential of cycling for an ecological and social transition, the proposal for an EU cycling strategy, and open the floor to share experiences of each country
Host: Gemma Simón i Mas, ConBici

Modalities of decolonial and intersectional perspectives
Host: Nyanchama Okemwa, European Network Against Racism

How can we deal with the current immigration issues?
Host: Martine Marjorie Fiedler, Freelance Asylum Court Interpreter

Sécurité, droit des travailleurs
Host: Alain Laratta, Academy Europe à la Confédération Européene des Syndicats Indépendants

Applying a fashion consumer tax on top of a fashion brand production tax
Host: Sharifa Jamaldin, Fashion Revolution


Amor y Libertad: Feminist LGBTIQ+ evening and party

Join us for an awesome evening of fun, love and laughter! First 2 drinks are on us!


Carla Antonelli
Senator and MP, Más Madrid

Terry Reintke
Co-President of the Greens EFA/Group, Germany

Mina Jack Tolu
European Green Party Committee Member

Livestream Replay

Inspiring Voices: political speeches

Real people with their real thoughts and real actions can transform politics. Our speakers come from the most varied backgrounds, countries, professions, but their lives have become example of what it is like to fight for an ideal on the streets, in parliaments and governments. Let us hear from their own voices the stories of those who took politics in their own hands and made it their life's mission: those who became the face of the fight for the right to decent housing; of minorities; of social and climate justice.

Let their empassioned words and examples fill the room and inspire change for this and the future generations!


Júlia Boada Danés
Member of Parliament for Sumar En Comú Podem

Florent Marcellesi
Co-chair of Verdes Equo

Tesh Sidi
Big Data engineer, Member of Parliament for Sumar

Livestream Replay

Video message from Minister Johannes Rauch, Austria


Johannes Rauch
Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Austria

Livestream Replay

Thriving, not surviving: quality jobs and the future of work | Plenary 3

Rising cost-of-living driven by out of control corporate super-profits, excessive working hours with low pay that barely carries people to the end of the month with no time for family and community-- this is what millions of Europeans are putting up with in their daily struggle for a dignified life.*

In this plenary, we will discuss how we can achieve quality jobs with work-life balance, to ensure wages that keep up with the rising cost-of-living, to reduce our carbon footprint and a reduction of worktime to allow people to have a life outside of work, and to ensure wages that keep up with the rising cost-of-living. Let’s make sure that the massive job creation potential of the green deal leads to more equality, better work and a better life and a fair society.


El Abass Echmouti
Trade union delegate, CC.OO

Íñigo Errejón Galván
Political scientist and Member of Parliament for SUMAR

Ivailo Kalfin
Executive Director at Eurofound

Sara Matthieu
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group, Belgium

Oliver Roethig
Regional Secretary at the European Services Workers Union (UNI Europa)

Juan Carlos Soriano
Construction worker and CCOO del Hábitat OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) Representative in his company

Livestream Replay

Inspiring Voices: political speeches

Real people with their real thoughts and real actions can transform politics. Our speakers come from the most varied backgrounds, countries, professions, but their lives have become example of what it is like to fight for an ideal on the streets, in parliaments and governments. Let us hear from their own voices the stories of those who took politics in their own hands and made it their life's mission: those who became the face of the fight for the right to decent housing; of minorities; of social and climate justice.

Let their empassioned words and examples fill the room and inspire change for this and the future generations!


Ada Colau
Former Mayor of Barcelona (2015-2023)

Livestream Replay

Multiple Crises have Real Consequences: Stories of Resilience

The multiple crises we are facing are impacting our lives in many different ways: inflation pushing up costs of energy, food and transport, housing getting impossible to afford, extreme weather causing chaos, and increasingly hateful and open attacks on people’s rights from an emboldened far-right. We will listen to testimonies of people living in the EU who have inspiring stories of resilience. We want to hear and learn from their challenges and support their demands for building a brighter future. Their stories will serve as a reminder to us all of why we need to join progressive forces if we want to achieve social and ecological justice for all.


Alain Laratta
Firefighter & General Secretary of the Avenir Secours trade union. 

Mirian Leirós
Activist for ecosocial education

Maite Navarro
Shopkeeper at Ultramarinos Javi

Livestream Replay

From Personal Resilience to a Green and Social Europe: Building Europe Together

The green movement is a key player in the defense of social justice. We firmly believe Europe has to be built as a space for solidarity and dignity instead of the Europe of austerity. Cooperation between progressive movements and social partners is the only formula to defeat the far-right and defend our rights.
The Greens have had the opportunity to take up leadership roles in different governments all over the EU. The desire for change with the aim to give people more support and safety in their daily lives has been the driving force behind the presence of the Greens in these governments. The Green Ministers present in this panel will react to the different issues raised through the testimonies and explain the actions they have taken in their respective countries and how the solutions could be replicated in different countries. They will also highlight the importance of European-level action to secure social and ecological justice.


Yolanda Díaz 
Second Vice-president and Minister for Labour and Social Economy for Spain

Lisa Paus
Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Germany

Terry Reintke
Co-President of the Greens EFA/Group, Germany

Petra De Sutter
Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration, Public Enterprises, Telecommunication and the Postal Services

Ernest Urtasun
Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group and spokesperson of Sumar

Livestream Replay



Terry Reintke
Co-President of the Greens EFA/Group, Germany

Mélanie Vogel
Co-chair of the European Green Party

Livestream Replay

About The Green Social Summit

At the Green Social Summit we will gather 300 leaders from across Europe to discuss how to build a stronger European Union based on social and ecological justice, and centred on human dignity.

Ahead of the European Parliament elections in June 2024, the Green Social Summit will be a key moment for defining our shared vision of a European Union that protects all people from crises, defends our fundamental rights and prioritises our well-being and our common future.

It will be held in Espacio Larra in Madrid, on 29-30 September 2023.

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